The 'What's In My' Series

Hello Everyone,

This is another installment of the What's In My Series and today I will be showing you what's on my iPhone. Firstly, I'm very sorry this post is late! I know I said I would be sticking to my new schedule, it's just I've been trying to finish off my LAST assignment for uni and so that got in the way a little. I may also have been enjoying the sunshine, isn't it lovely! Anyway, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite apps rather than take you through everything that is on my iPhone because that would take us all day!

First of all is an obvious favourite, Instagram! I could literally spend hours on here scrolling through my feed looking at so many amazing pictures! I often spend such a long time looking at other pictures that I forget to upload my own and so I have made a real effort this year to try and upload as many pictures as possible because I think they make such good memories! Instagram is the first thing I check every morning and I often re-check it throughout the day numerous times. If you would like to check out my Instagram, my username is bryony_godwin!

 Next on the list is of course bloglovin, the best place to keep track of all the new blog posts that are being published and it is a facility that makes them so easy to read and tick off the list! I regularly check bloglovin, most mornings in fact but I especially love to have a good catch up on a Sunday! 

 Recently I have been trying to exercise more and a good app to use that will help you track your progress is; MapMyWalk. It tells you the distance you have done, your pace and the calories burned in what time. I am really enjoying using it and it's like a little incentive to work out as you can see how far you have come! You can also choose what exercise you are doing so it will measure accordingly.

This is the app for Halifax online banking and I love this because it is just so convenient to keep tabs on your money! So much easier than taking out my laptop, going through the whole log in process and obviously I don't have my laptop with me when I'm out and about. It's also great to transfer money quickly to other people so if I'm out with friends or my sister. This ones probably a bit more practical than the others but definitely a necessity!

 Finally is Netflix, which I just love! I have to be honest and say I use this more on my iPad than my iPhone but I just had to include it. There are so many television series and movies at your fingertips that it's brilliant for if you're ever at a loose end. I often have more trouble trying to control the amount of time I'm on Netflix as I have been known to waste whole days! Oops!

I hope you have enjoyed looking at what apps I love to use and if you have any recommendations for new apps I should download then please let me know! Also if you would like to take a look at the other girls blog posts who are taking part in this mini series then they are linked in the first post, please do take a look, they are great! Thank you for reading,







Hello I'm Bryony, 21 years old and I have recently completed my degree in Business Management and will be graduating with a 2:1. In my spare time I love shopping, watching YouTube videos and reading beauty blogs; so I decided it was time to begin my own. You can expect posts about fashion and lifestyle however the main focus will be make up and beauty as that is my first love. I hope you enjoy!

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