Hey Everyone,
I hope you are all as excited about Christmas as I am, I thought I would start off by explaining what exactly will be involved in the next few weeks for these Christmas blog posts.
#CountdownToChristmas is a blog series created by Megan (Beautiful You) and Emily (beautybyemily). They decided to host a blog series that runs from the 1st of December up until Boxing Day. It involve publishing two blog posts a week on a Monday and a Friday about set topics, these range from fashion to lifestyle to beauty posts as we wanted to include a range of topics. Keep your eyes peeled over the next four weeks to see what we have in store for you all! There is a whole host of bloggers taking part in #CountdownToChristmas of which my sister has done a blog post so make sure you check out all of their blog posts as I'm sure they will all be fabulous!
So to begin with we are going to kick start with the Christmas Tag!
1. What’s your favourite
holiday movie?
Love Actually is definitely my favourite christmas film although it's in my top 5 films of all time, so I have to give a shout out to Home Alone as well.
2. What are your favourite Christmas colours?
I'm not very traditional with my Christmas decoration colours and I currently have the theme of white, gold and wooden/rustic decorations. If you guys would like I could do a bonus post with pictures of my decorations.
3. Do you like to stay in
your PJs or dress up for Christmas?
I normally stay in my PJs for the morning and then around 11/12 noon we will all get ready and change from our PJs into smart clothes for Christmas day.
4. If you could only buy one
person a present this year who would it be?
This is probably going to be predictable but if I could only buy one person a present I would buy it for my sister because she has been there and supported me through everything yet again this year... I would also have to get something for my Mum though as I couldn't leave her out.
5. Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
Always Christmas Morning, we have never been one of those family's that opens presents on Christmas Eve we have always just saved them all for the day.
6. Have you ever built a Ginger Bread House?
I'm ashamed to admit this but I have never actually made a gingerbread house, however I am spending Christmas with my nan this year and she is insistent that we make one so this year could be the year.
7. What do you like to do during your Christmas holidays?
As I work in retail I tend to not have many days off around Christmas apart from the day itself and so on any days off that I do have I just like to spend time with family and friends doing festive things like watching films and going for days out.
8. Any Christmas Wishes?
The only Christmas wish I have this year is that all my family and friends have a relaxing and safe Christmas period and that they enjoy the festivities and love the presents I chose for them.
9. Favourite Christmas smell?
Normally I am a Vanilla girl through and through but this year my Mum has bought one of the Glade spritz things that is in the scent cosy apple and cinnamon. Usually this would not be my thing but this year I am obsessed, I feel like my scent has matured (if that's such a thing that can happen!) Anyway smell it if you can, it's delightful!
10. Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
Obviously the actual Christmas dinner in itself is something I look forward to all year but I absolutely love on the evening of boxing day my Mum puts out all the left overs and cooks a load of party food and we have a little buffet and it's so delicious! Also you can't beat a tub of Quality Street!
So there you have it everyone, my first post of the #CountdownToChristmas series. I hope this has made you feel festive and I will see you on Friday for the next post in the series.
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